donderdag 26 februari 2009


Basilisk: suggesting a legendary reptile with fatal breath and glance : baleful, spellbinding

In Hellenic and Roman legend, a basilisk (also called a cockatrice) was a serpent-like creature capable of destroying other creatures by way of its deadly stare. The modern basilisk is a lizard that belongs to the family Iguanidae and supposedly resembles this fabled monster; it has a large, inflatable crest atop its head and is sometimes called a “Jesus Christ lizard” for its ability to run quickly across the surface of water. The use of “basilisk” as an adjective occurs most frequently in phrases such as “basilisk stare”; recalling the notorious gaze of the legendary basilisk, it describes the deep and piercing look of someone who is frightening or seductive.

Krasnoe, zelenoe...

Red and blue and mauve and green,
Jade and quartz and tourmaline,
Anything to keep you away from other men;
Shirts and skirts and crinolines,
Silken robes and denim jeans,
But you just gave me vodka, and some cognac now and then.

Even though I wasn't rich,
I tried to scratch your every itch,
Many times I asked, "Is this enough for you, my love?"
Your usual response to which --
You lying, scheming, thieving bitch --
Was just to give me vodka and yell, "No, it's not enough!"

The money came perpetually,
It fell on you torrentially,
Banknote after banknote, emeralds and gold;
I played it safe, essentially,
But still got caught, eventually --
Now, for a quarter-century, my life's been put on hold.

Know that I intensely loathe
You and all your stupid clothes,
You're the only reason why I'm wearing white and black;
Screw you and your sacred oath,
Screw you and your mother, both!
Live the way you want to -- I am never coming back!

Красное, зеленое, желтое, лиловое,
Самое красивое - на твои бока,
А если что дешевое - то новое, фартовое,-
А ты мне только водку, ну и реже - коньяка.

Бабу ненасытную, стерву неприкрытую
Сколько раз я спрашивал: "Хватит ли, мой свет?"
А ты всегда испитая, здоровая, небитая -
Давала мене водку и кричала: "Еще нет".

На тебя, отраву, деньги словно с неба сыпались -
Крупными купюрами, займом золотым,-
Но однажды всыпались, и сколько мы не рыпались,-
Все прошло, исчезло, словно с яблонь белый дым.

А бог с тобой, с проклятою, с твоею верной клятвою
О том, что будешь ждать меня ты долгие года,-
А ну тебя, патлатую, тебя саму и мать твою!
Живи себе, как хочешь - я уехал навсегда!


Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky (Russian: Владимир Семёнович Высоцкий) (January 25, 1938 – July 25, 1980)